Youth registration
Q: I am interested in registering to be a Scout in Troop 247. (If you are a transfer Scout from another Troop, or are an Arrow of Light Crossover Scout, please do not follow this process. Instead, reach out to for the Troop to handle the transfer internally.)
Reach out to Mr. Smith, Scoutmaster, at to schedule a visit.
If you’re ready to join, please visit this page to process your registration with the BSA.
Adult registration
To become a Registered Adult with Troop 247
The Chartered Organization Representative, or in their absence the executive officer of the chartered organization, must approve the registration of the unit’s adult leaders.
To become registered, complete the following items:
Complete mandatory Youth Protection Training and forward the YPT completion email (including the YPT Certificate attachment) the BSA sends you to
Complete the Adult BSA online application for Troop 247. You will agree to a background check by the BSA in this process, and facilitate payment.
Ensure a current Annual Health & Medical Record (AMHR) form parts A, B, & C are on file with the Troop by delivering a printed copy to the Scoutmaster or Committee Chair at a meeting.
Complete the “Troop Committee” online training on
Go to, and choose the option for “My Training" in the blue box menu.
Scroll down to "Training Courses by Program," and select the “Scouts BSA" option.
Select the fourth option titled “Troop Committee.” (Do NOT select Troop Committee Chair. This is separate course with much more detail.)
Click “Enroll."
Complete the course to 100%.
Once completed to 100%, you’ll be “Position Specific Trained” and meet all requirements for the BSA. Forward your completion email to
Q: What is the difference between a registered adult and a non-registered adult?
Simply put – a registered adult completes a BSA Adult application and agrees to a background check by the BSA. All adults who work with Scouts in Troop 247 in any capacity must be a registered adult with the Troop.
Q: Why do we need registered adults?
Our Troop cannot function without them! Two registered adult leaders 21 years of age or over are required at all Scouting activities, including meetings. Notwithstanding the minimum leader requirements, age- and program-appropriate supervision must always be provided. (Youth Protection and Barriers to Abuse FAQs)
All adult participants must register as adults and follow Youth Protection policies.
Q: I want to become an Assistant Scoutmaster or member of the Committee, do I need to become registered?
Yes. You will need to be registered as part of the process of becoming an adult leader in our Troop. All adults will register as a member of the Committee to start, and then can move into additional roles. Once registered you can support the Troop at Scouting activities by ensuring the Troop abides by the Youth Protection policies.
Q: I’ve heard that Merit Badge Counselors are registered adults, is that correct?
Yes, however, Merit Badge Counselors (MBC) are registered with the Council. Merit Badge Counselors who wish to attend Troop outings and events will be asked to register separately/additionally with the Troop.
Q: Are there yearly dues as a registered adult?
Yes. There are yearly dues to participate as a Registered Adult. These will be collected each year as part of the Recharter process. (If you have a financial barrier to participating, please reach out to the Committee Chair.)
Q: Do I need to submit an application every year?
No. Once you have completed the registration process, and for as long as you are an active leader in the Troop with current Youth Protection Training, the registrar will include you on the list of registered adults for the Troop at the annual recharter. You do not need to resubmit your paperwork unless your position changes.